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[Heritage through Digital #2] Exhibiting digital content, history and future

Previously, we explained the effects of tourism development through cultural heritage media facades. However, this is not the only intersection between digital and cultural heritage. Digital is expanding the role of existing museums, which were limited to exhibiting original cultural assets, and expanding their scope from reality to virtuality.

[Heritage through Digital #1] Korean history, born digital

The way of appreciating cultural heritage is gradually being advanced through extended reality technology (XR). Let's experience a new appreciation of cultural heritage through Heritage Media Art, which sees the value of cultural heritage through modern eyes.

The future of journalism drawn by realistic content

Immersive news is recognized for its value in weakening the 'framing effect', a chronic problem of the media, and enabling viewers to judge more directly. Can immersive news be recognized as a new form of journalism in the metaverse era?

The Beginning of Infinite Possibilities, Anamorphic

Anamorphic technology is a technique that uses optical illusions to realize three-dimensional images, and it has recently met with digital technology to deliver more immersive experiences and values. Let's take a look at media art works with anamorphic techniques that transcend the limitations of physical space.

Turn off the lights and turn on your thoughts, switch off campaign

As issues that require global cooperation, such as climate change, have arisen, countries around the world, centered on the United Nations, have established Sustainable Development Goals. Let's find out about climate change campaigns that can participate in the process of saving the earth now that action for the earth is needed.

Environmental protection message conveyed through AR filter

AR filters, which have recently been in the limelight, have excellent virality that can be spread through individuals. Through the AR filter of the public campaign 'Darkness to Save the Earth', we look into the positive potential of AR filter and how to use it meaningfully.

The easiest way to save the earth

Artificial lighting made for people's convenience leads to excessive energy consumption and CO2 emission, hurting the earth. We introduce a media art-based participatory campaign to find out what small actions we can take to reduce light pollution and save the earth, and to think about environmental protection and energy conservation.

Dance of the Sun Virtually, Sundance Film Festival

The Sundance Film Festival has valued diversity since ancient times, and sometimes focuses on low-budget independent films and documentaries. Then, what XR content is hiding at Sundance 2021? We can look at the works of artists in the New Frontier section and discuss the future of media art.

Art Tech House, a museum that exhibits and creates

Art Tech House exhibits the works of groundbreaking new media artists, experimenting with creative expression with new techniques and forms. And since the museum itself creates and exhibits works with originality, it is a media art artist who creates itself while performing the function of an art museum.

XR technology that goes off the bookshelf and tells history

Human history is a huge flow created by humans. In it, we both prospered and perished. Looking at the history of past eras, we can learn from the mistakes and mistakes of the past, and through them we can move forward in a more correct direction. Introducing XR content that conveys history.

Virtual leisure content that recharges burnout

The stress accumulated due to various incidents in modern society has given people burnout syndrome. Being human beings who need rest, we need to take a break, and in this time we can enjoy our leisure time. Let's learn about leisure life using XR contents.

A string connecting people and devices, about input devices

Input devices that connect technology and people are evolving along with the development of the times. The input devices of the XR device can be divided into five main categories, based on visual, auditory, motion, position, and direction. We can imagine the future, anticipating the development of more input devices.

Media art that machines dream of

As technology advances, art is also changing. How will artificial intelligence change and evolve media art? There are two artists who use artificial intelligence and machine learning to convey their world and style. Today, I would like to explain the relationship between media art and changing future technology.

A new wave of Hallyu flowing with complex cultural exhibitions

An exhibition introducing Korean cultural contents will be held in France. From July 6th to 16th, at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, Korea: Three-dimensional Imagination, an exhibition of immersive contents using representative Korean Wave contents, will share Korea's imagination for a new future that will be reorganized after COVID-19 with the world.

esports and audiences leading to cheers through XR

eSports is inseparable from XR technology, and XR technology alone can make a game. However, when XR technology and games meet, a more immersive broadcast can be provided to the audience, and a new culture of communicating with fans can be created through games and XR technology.

The Stage of Infinite Possibilities Shown by Metaverse and XR

What is the metaverse? Whether it's a performance in a game by Travis Scott, the world's most popular hip-hop artist, a smartphone that accompanies a bird on a walk, or a mobile game briefly enjoyed on the bus on the way to work. We know more about the metaverse than we thought. Let's find out the metaverse that touches XR together.

Sports enjoyed through XR, a drama that creates a reversal

Watching sports directly in the stadium is not simply using sight and hearing. The cheers, joys, and frustrations that can only be felt at the stadium are transmitted through all senses and remain in the memory of the audience. We would like to introduce XR technology and contents that can help with this.

Media art artists speaking with uncertainty and simulacre

The myriad images and signs created by the media became a mode of existence, raising philosopher Baudrillard's concern that the real disappears into the fog of images and signs. Consider the philosophical concepts of uncertainty and simulacrum through three groups of artists and their works.

Magical XR display that captivates the senses of the audience

The technological development of modern society gave birth to new media, which became the starting point of new media art. While watching the magic and the exhibition, the audience is agitated, and sometimes they talk about the relationship between the artist and the audience. It's time for a magical display that will move your heart.

A new future beyond the lens, AR glasses

Due to the impact of the pandemic, non-face-to-face meetings have gained attention, and XR technologies that can assist them have gained attention again. Among them, AR glasses are the best item that companies are paying attention to recently. Let's infer the direction they are going through the present and future of AR glasses.

An ensemble of audiences and artists, a virtual performance

Online performances have emerged as an alternative in the untact era. That is why the XR industry, which can support online performances, is attracting attention. Performance culture with XR technology added can deliver a new form and sense to the audience. It would be an effort to break away from the audience's familiarity.